昨晚回来天空还是白朦朦一片,看不见星星。可我在半夜却因要去厕所醒过来了,看看手机,四点多五点,上完厕所我居然想起了现在不是看星星最好的时段吗?好想回去睡,可是最后还是走了出去看, 想看看是不是真的可以看到。
哦哦!结果一眼就看见了明亮的下玄月,下面两颗明亮的星星,赶快打开apps,原来下面是jupiter,和mars。而月亮上面远一点的地方一颗很明亮的星星,是saturn! 看图的话Nepture 和月亮重叠了,所以我看不见,mars之下应该有uranus , venus 和mercury, 无论我如何看也看不见,可能被云层遮住了,或是星光太暗,或是在远处的树林之下,不知道。
我用手机把天空拍了下来,有图为证 ^^,当然不过当时天空没有那么亮白,旁边的双鱼座也没有那么清楚,是回来看照片才发现连双鱼的其中一边也拍了下来。
节录那篇短文:...Stand-out dates include June 18, when the moon will be closest to Saturn, and June 20, when the moon pairs with Neptune. June 21 sees the moon joining Jupiter, and June 22 has the moon meeting with Mars. The moon pairs with Uranus on June 24, and keen-eyed sky-watchers will also notice that it will appear exactly halfway between Venus and Mars. On June 26 the moon will have an eye-catching close encounter with the brightest planet in the sky, Venus, and then finally round out its visits with Mercury, on June 27.
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